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You retain that all important client relationship and contact
while maintaining or improving your level of risk


At Sirius Legal, we go out of our way to make offshore outsourcing work for you.



Business Consultation

We work with you to identify discrete parts of the legal process that can safely be moved offshore and we provide a safe and secure method of doing so. You retain that all important client relationship and contact while maintaining or improving your level of risk.

We will also help you redesign your onshore processes and technology to become more efficient and to support offshore working. Working with our technology partners we can help you use technology to enable offshore working, cut costs, improve compliance and gain higher levels of customer service.


Online Discussion

The single biggest cost of your business is people. Your employees. Your colleagues. Without them, though, your business is nothing – without them, you wouldn’t be where you are now.

The difference between your best people and your worst though could easily be a factor of two or more. This is unlikely to be because one works harder than the other but will be driven by the way they approach the job and the tools they are working with.

There is a best way and Sirius can advise you on how to find it and train everyone to work that way with passion, drive, and efficiency. We have experience based from multi national businesses employing thousands of people that can work equally well in a smaller organisation.

The difference could be 20% of your salary bill or more.


Digital social media

Legal processes are currently dominated by paper. Receiving, actioning, storing and retrieving paper use up a significant amount of time for your Fee Earners and Administration staff. Storage also uses valuable and costly office space. This is expensive and now unnecessary.

Sirius experts will analyse your existing processes and make recommendations for paperless working which will make your business faster and more flexible translating into better customer service and ultimately more business.

We will advise on legal admissibility, on risk and on Business Continuity strategy. Ultimately our experts will support you through the transition from the world of paper.

It will pay for itself in the first 12 months!

How does it work: Services
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